The only WordPress SaaS with a truly native experience
Pomatio just feels like WordPress
We use and extend the editor, but also all theme options are located on the native customizer, with a bunch of brand new control types. Following this pattern, custom post types permalinks are managed from the permalink area, user’s avatar and social profiles are located on the profile edit screen, and so on.
You get the idea!
A neat and unbloated admin experience
There is no advertisement banners or notifications inside Pomatio admin, we just hate those multi-colored and ads loaded wp-admin areas!

Mobile first
Our layout building system allows you to control each column’s width on a per-device basis. You can also set-up each element’s visibility per-device and create powerful carousels with touch gestures.
Make use of our taylor developed row and column blocks to add sections to your site with specific responsive margin or padding for each device resolution.
The mobile menus provide a swipe experience, that perform just like you’d expect from a native app.
Pomatio also offers customizable mobile menu toggles (even as a floating icon on bottom area), and many tweaks that make the users even feel like if they were using native apps.