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Pomatio updates - Changelog - February 2024


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates.
  • Third party plugin updates.

New Features

  • Update Post Schedule metabox layout.
  • Allow Shop Managers to remove users.
  • Improve Bookings finder module.
  • New tweak to disable purchase for specific products.
  • New option to append reusable block to footer.
  • Update Pomatio Framework.
  • Improved sticky rows.
  • Add tag option to tabs module.


  • Fixed the way to convert a number with comma to float.
  • Fix 'Prepend dynamic content'.
  • Fix Maintenance Mode.
  • Inmotek: Update 'ivisita' endpoint.
  • Remove old Tweaks sitemap integration.
  • Disabling the delivery range did not work.
  • Fix delivery selector for guest purchases.


  • Updated the code of the 'Display thumbnail' tweak to modern PHP.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - January 2024


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates.
  • Third party plugin updates.

New Features

  • Added Sendcloud integration.
  • Add option to replace login dropdown with direct My Account page url.
  • Add 'limit' attr to {{meta}} in custom feed layout.
  • Show an image instead of the gallery if only one image is selected in the custom feed layout galleries.
  • Improved Advanced filters.
  • Invitation system for e-commerce: Allow users to revoke their invitations regardless of the status of the invitation.
  • Updated WhatsApp share button and new url copy button.
  • Add support for Inmotek sharing links.
  • Add Share module.
  • Add numbers to Taxonomy terms List module.
  • Checkout improvements.
  • Track 'Add to cart' events in Google Analytics.
  • New tweak to avoid combining physical and virtual products.
  • Gift vouchers must be purchased individually.
  • Allow Reusable Blocks in no mega menu menus.
  • Add Domain Check module to Pomatio.


  • Fix alternative single gallery pop-up arrows.
  • Moved reorder_archive_posts_by_menu_order to another file.
  • Fix not being able to remove variations from the wishlists.
  • Prevent fatal error if not valid product object.
  • Update sticky sidebars JS logic.
  • Prevent quote escape in textareas.
  • Improved wishlists list add-to-cart button.


  • Improved internal tools for faster website publishing.
  • Related domain name now appears on subscription renewal emails.
  • Updated post listing content-default.php template.
  • Improvements to Bookings Calendar feed module.
  • Improvements to pom_get_bookable_products helper.
  • Improvements to pom_get_bookable_products helper.
  • E-commerce advanced filters revised.
  • Refactor checkout template files.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - December 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates.
  • Third party plugin updates.

New Features

  • New option to stop shop orders.
  • Keep menu item attributes in the Simple Menu walker.
  • Add application/ld+json option for custom scripts.


  • Integrate side-menu cart icon with Customizer options.
  • Prevent to exceed the limit of maximum products per month on the cart page.
  • Fixed NIF checkout field default value.
  • Replace 'value' for 'default' in checkout NIF field.
  • Remove wrong itemprop and preserve line breaks in meta fields in pom_render_custom_feed_layout.


  • Improve site creation to replace domain in Theme Options files.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - November 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates


  • Refactor: Made domain field required for account.pomstandard.com and display domain name in 'Plan' product.
  • Accessibility Improvements: General enhancements for better accessibility.
  • Search Script Improvement: Enhanced the search script functionality.


  • Fixes: Fixed slider 'Stop on hover' option
  • Fixes: Improved wishlist security vulnerabilities and typo corrections.
  • Payment Button: Prevented erroneous removal of the payment button in multistep checkout.

New Features

  • Google Listings & Ads Integration: Added new integration for enhanced functionality.
  • New Icons and Tracking: Added Twitter/X icon and GA4 Ecommerce events tracking.
  • Schema Update: Removed price from Schema.
  • Gallery Update: Introduced a new gallery with thumbnails
  • Gallery Update: Introduced a new option to change the finder Custom Meta field type.
  • Taxonomy Registration: Updated the method for registering taxonomies to avoid conflicts.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - October 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates
  • General fixes


  • Improved POM - Events API integration.
  • POM Events: Added custom error message theme-option and typo fix.
  • Fixed Page Ordering.
  • Improved composite product.
  • Uncomment product gallery videos code and fixed variation image change with select input.
  • Fixed Delivery class issues.
  • Avoid adding products to the cart from the modal if there are required fields in the form that are incomplete.
  • Improved 'Distance shipping calculator' script.
  • Improved 'Google address finder' for checkout.
  • Fixed Delivery Selector tweak
  • Improved Contact Beacon JS issue in product singles.
  • Fixed background videos stopping when outside viewport
  • Update cart programmatically on product quantity change.
  • Fixed 'Remove Address Fields in WooCommerce Billing Form Checkout' tweak allowing checkout without address fields x2.

New features

  • Option to choose variations in the Wishlist.
  • Added option to display delivery times without ranges.
  • Option to display logged in username in menu nav.
  • Option to add cart pop-up to every product.
  • Added play on hover for inner columns background videos.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - September 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates
  • General fixes


  • More capabilities for shop managers.
  • Updated Pomatio Framework.
  • Improved invitation system and added option to change remaining invitations from admin panel.
  • Updated {{e_commerce_product_btn}} layout.
  • Improvements in the checkout system.
  • Inmotek integration: Fixed the problem with the URLs of private properties and modal filters.
  • Improved 'Reduced price field' tweak.
  • The checkout button is now fixed on the mini-cart.
  • Fixed price calculation when displaying reduced price without tax.

New features

  • Option to display logged user display name as login label.
  • New "timeline" block.
  • Added 'Play on hover' option to video block.
  • New shipping by distance calculator and Google Address finder for a better e-commerce checkout experience.
  • Delivery method selector (take away / delivery)
  • Added {{posts_nav}} merge tag for custom single templates


  • HTTP/3 has been implemented.
  • This results in faster and more secure connections.
  • Keep in mind that for online HTTP/3 testing you will probably get a false negative if you use a regular online testing website. This is because Cloudfront for HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a secure, stream-multiplexed transport protocol based on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Tests may not support/detect this technology.
  • To check if the HTTP/3 protocol is being used correctly in your browser, you can use extensions such as Wappalizer or the inspector itself (in Firefox), in the "Network" tab.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - August 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates
  • General fixes


  • Permission rules system
  • Updated Pomatio Framework.
  • New food allergens icons.
  • Improved full screen header reusable block.
  • Improved main menu Walker and created a simple menu walker for Menu module.

New features

  • Webhooks for Contact Forms.
  • Autocomplete parameter for Contact Forms.
  • Custom Post Types now can be linked to a permission rule, so only allowed users (e.g. premium paying users) can see its contents.
  • Shipping calculator module
  • "Left for free shipping" feature
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - July 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates
  • General fixes


  • Removed the code that was limiting the API user endpoint.
  • Send header status 401 when login fails for WooCommerce.
  • Make gift vouchers messages non-required

New features

  • New map results block for Finder. Now you can dynamically display search engine results on an advanced Google Map, have them automatically update when you filter results, and even make your markers stand out when hovering over traditional feed results, creating AirBnB-like experiences!
  • Added rich editor as Custom Metas field type.
  • Developed new Instagram galleries integration with automatic renewable tokens.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - June 2023


  • WordPress Updated.
  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates
  • General fixes


  • Full screen nav template now allows to render custom content inside (reusable blocks).
  • Fixed finder reset button label option.
  • Updated finder block.
  • Updated contact phone pattern.
  • Update POM Inmotek. Added visit analytics synced to Inmotek, improve compatibility with other URLs for sharing and refactor some functions.
  • Update some food allergens icons.
  • Fixed events dependent on payments.

New features

  • Invitation system added. Users can invite other user to register on a site. This adds a whole new possibility for creating "invitation-only" sites, for engaging registered users offering a promo if a friend registers...
  • Add product image sizes to Rest API.
  • Updated API to allow menu_order.
  • New extension to limit maximum products per user per month.
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Pomatio updates - Changelog - May 2023


  • Translation updates
  • Third party plugin updates
  • General fixes


  • Updated Counter block.
  • Updated Countdown block.
  • Fixed slider autoplay.
  • Updated some food allergens icons.
  • Improved POM LMS security to prevent access to courses with failed payments.
  • Improved ads.txt system
  • Updated POM Theme Vendor libraries
  • Several improvements to POM Events plugin.
  • Improved admin caps.

New integrations & extensions

Added LinkedIn Ads integration

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